I am so enjoying the birds singing again and evenings spent out with the animals. A walk to check the new highland arrival today revealed it is a heifer, great news as we can keep her, I enjoyed watching her having her face washed by mum, must think of some names, Can't keep calling them hairy ladies??
The south Devon cattle had to have their feet trimmed this week, the contraption is an amazing machine which secures the cows while the winch turns them sideways and all their feet are checked and trimmed - this happens once a year and the cows seem amazingly relaxed about the experience.

Worming is important for all the animals in Spring - I have just come back from worming the chickens, a syringe down the beak -- every animal seems to have a different method of worming, at least I don't need a crush for the hens. Talking of hens, I am excited about the incubated eggs - they are due to hatch this Friday in time for our first farm tour!

The farm tours will be escorted and we will have a tour every morning and afternoon - about 10.30am and finishing with the bottle feeding for the pet lambs and then again at 2.30pm and again finishing with the lamb bottle feeding - we will be doing the tours every day from Good Friday.
Getting back to Easter - we have the usual fabulous meat joints for sale - do ask Amanda in the shop for any meat you would like ordering for the Easter holiday.
On with preparations for the farm tours - might see you there?